Dr. Manzoor Ali



Email: manzoor.ali@kiu.edu.pk


  • Ph D Quaid-i Aazam University, Pakistan
  • Assessment of Activity Concentrations of Natural and Anthropogenic Radionuclides and associated Radiation Risk in Shigar Valley in Central Karakoram National Park
    • Assessment of risk associated with the gamma emitting radionuclides from the soil of two cities in Central Karakoram, Wasim, M., Ali, M., & Iqba, S. (2014). Assessment of risk associated with the gamma emitting radionuclides from the soil of two cities in Central Karakoram. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 302(1), 1-9
    • Determination of elements in the Hunza River sediment by k0 instrumental neutron activation analysis, Wasim, M., Iqbal, S., Arif, M., & Ali, M. (2013). Determination of elements in the Hunza River sediment by k0 instrumental neutron activation analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 298(1), 563-570.
    • Determination of the risk associated with the natural and anthropogenic radionuclides from the soil of Skardu in Central Karakoram, Ali, M., Wasim, M., Iqbal, S., Arif, M., & Saif, F. (2013). Determination of the risk associated with the natural and anthropogenic radionuclides from the soil of Skardu in Central Karakoram. Journal of Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 156(2), 213-222.
    • Soil radioactive levels and radiological risk assessment in the highlands of Hunza, Pakistan, Ali, M., Iqbal, S., Wasim, M., Arif, M., & Saif, F. (2012). Soil radioactive levels and radiological risk assessment in the highlands of Hunza, Pakistan. Journal of Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 153(3), 390-399
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